ISO 27001 Statement of Applicability Template
- Excel-based ISO 27001 Statement of Applicability Template
- Dashboard displaying your Control Scope
- All the 93 ISO 27002 2022 Controls listed
- Automatically generates In Scope and Out of Scope Controls
- Comply to Clause 6.1.3

ISO 27001 Statement of Applicability Template for Control Justification
Comply with ISO 27001 Clause 6.1.3 using our ISO 27001 Statement of Applicability Template. This template offers a solid base to efficiently document and manage your information security controls.
Excel-Based: Utilize the comprehensive capabilities of Excel to edit, sort, and customize your information security controls as needed.
Control List: Stay up-to-date with the latest ISO 27001:2022 framework. Our template includes a complete list of controls for thorough applicability assessments.
Ready for Customization: Easily edit each section to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Compliance with ISO 27001 statement of applicability 2022 template
Reach ISO 27001 compliance with our ISO 27001 Statement of Applicability 2022 Template. Made for adaptability and ease of use, this Excel-based tool provides a foundation for documenting and managing your information security controls. It includes a catalog of controls updated to reflect the latest ISO 27001 framework, along with interactive elements and comment sections for a customized fit to your organizational needs. This template is intuitive for users at all levels of Excel proficiency, accelerating the SoA development process and enabling a focus on implementation rather than documentation. It serves as proof of compliance and enhances your ability to manage information security tasks effectively.
ISO Statement of Applicability Template
Our ISO Statement of Applicability Template is a tool for businesses of any size, information security analysts, organizations preparing for audits, or risk management professionals. It provides a structured Excel-based environment for flexible editing, sorting, and filtering of your security controls. The template ensures that documenting your controls is straightforward and manageable, helping to streamline the compliance process. It also serves as a dynamic document that evolves with changes in risks, technologies, and business processes.
ISO 27001 2022 SOA Template
The ISO 27001 2022 SOA Template helps your organization manage information security practices confidently, meet compliance requirements, and secure your information assets effectively. This iso 27001 statement of applicability template is essential for the development of the SoA and should involve the information security management team, department heads, IT professionals, and top management. It ensures that the SoA aligns with the organization’s policies and objectives, providing a framework that is both comprehensive and customizable to adapt as your business evolves.
Protect Your Business with CyberZoni
- Virtual CISO
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Control Design and Implementation