All-in-1 Cyber Security Service Partner

Cyber Maturity Assessment

As your cyber security service partner we take the time to understand the details of your organization, ensuring that our cybersecurity solutions are effective and a seamless extension of your business goals.

  • Organizational Goals and Needs
  • Analysis of Current Security Posture
  • Policy and Procedures
  • Understanding of Threat Landscape
  • Awareness and Training
  • Alignment with Our Services

cyber security strategy 2024

As your cyber security service partner, our CISO provides critical Strategy Oversight, ensuring that every aspect of your cyber security measures is robust and also strategically aligned with your business objectives.

  • Strategic Cybersecurity Planning
  • Risk Management and Compliance
  • Policy Development and Governance
  • Incident Response and Continuity Planning
  • Training and Awareness Programs
  • Technology and Vendor Assessment


Cyber Security Service

Specialized Cyber Security Service

Cyber Security Service in manufacturing

We understand the nuances of this industry, from the shop floor to the supply chain. Our cyber security service is designed to comply with industry-specific standards like ISO/IEC27001, NIST SP 800-171, and IEC 62443, ensuring your operations meet and exceed regulatory requirements.

  • Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security
  • Intellectual Property Protection
  • Supply Chain Cybersecurity
  • Compliance with Industry Standards
  • IoT and Network Security

ABDO 2019 Cyber Security Service

In our specialized approach to ABDO, we recognize the critical importance of aligning with its specific requirements, including the essential concepts of Te Beschermen Belang (TBB) and Cyber Beveiligings Functionaris (Cyber BF).

  • Te Beschermen Belang (TBB) Strategies
  • Cyber Beveiligings Functionaris (Cyber BF) Support
  • ABDO 2019 Data Security Compliance
  • Risk Management in Line with ABDO 2019
  • Monitoring and Reporting for ABDO 2019

managed security service provider healthcare

We as a managed security service provider healthcare have a specialization in the field of healthcare cyber security. We understand the sector’s unique challenges and stringent compliance demands, including adherence to the NEN 7510 standard. We assist you with securing patient data and medical systems against vulnerabilities and threats.

  • NEN 7510
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Security
  • Medical Device Cybersecurity
  • Healthcare Data Privacy and Protection
  • Tailored Risk Management for Healthcare

Cyber Security Consultant

Cyber Security Advisor

Leading the cyber security service charge is our Chief Information Security Officer, Jasper Hofman, a veteran in the field with a diverse background spanning defense, operational technology (OT) environments, and healthcare. Jasper's profound expertise in these sectors has been pivotal in shaping resilient cybersecurity strategies that meet the unique challenges of each industry.

Cyber Security Assessment

Our Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) service is at the forefront of assessing your organization's cybersecurity posture. Our CISO conducts thorough assessments to identify vulnerabilities, evaluate existing security measures, and understand your unique risk landscape. This process is crucial in developing a tailored cybersecurity strategy that addresses current threats and also anticipates future challenges.

Cyber Security Risk Assessment

CISO-led 'Risk Assessment' is essential for reinforcing your cybersecurity defenses, involving a detailed analysis of your IT infrastructure, policies, and employee awareness to identify vulnerabilities and risks. Our cyber security consultant evaluates and prioritizes these risks, focusing on the most critical areas for immediate action. Recommendations for mitigation encompass updated security technologies, policy revisions, and enhanced training. This continuous process adapts to evolving threats, ensuring your organization's cybersecurity measures are resilient and proactive.

Cyber Security ISMS

CyberZoni specializes in implementing Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), guided by our CISO and cyber security advisor. Our service include a full spectrum approach, beginning with an in-depth analysis of your current security protocols and business goals, ensuring a customized ISMS that aligns with your specific needs. We emphasize robust risk management, data protection, and continuous improvement, adhering to standards like ISO/IEC 27001, ABDO2019, NEN7510, IEC62443, CMMC and more.

Cyber Security Internal Audit

CyberZoni’s internal audits rigorously prepare your organization for external certification, ensuring compliance with standards like ISO/IEC 27001 and NEN7510. Our cyber security consultant thoroughly review your cybersecurity systems and processes, identifying areas for improvement to ensure compliance and excellence in the external audit. This comprehensive approach enhances your overall cybersecurity posture, paving the way for a successful certification outcome, and setting a solid foundation for continuous security improvement.

Cyber Security Policies and Procedures

We develop detailed documentation and policies that serve as the cornerstone of your cybersecurity strategy. Our expert cyber security advisor works closely with our CISO and you to develop clear, concise, and effective policies and documents, tailored to your specific security needs and regulatory requirements. These documents ensure compliance with standards like ISO/IEC 27001 and GDPR and also provide a clear roadmap for your staff, outlining security protocols, responsibilities, and best practices.

common questions

A virtual CISO, or Virtual Chief Information Security Officer, is a cyber security service that offers you executive-level security expertise without the need for a full-time, in-house CISO.

A vCISO brings specialized knowledge and leadership to develop and maintain your cybersecurity strategy, reducing risk and ensuring compliance with a cost-effective approach.

Absolutely, a vCISO can develop and refine your security policies to ensure they are comprehensive and compliant with current standards.

Yes, part of the vCISO service includes cybersecurity awareness and training programs tailored to your organization’s needs.

Our vCISO has extensive experience with OT environments, bringing best practices and security solutions to protect critical infrastructure.

Yes, our vCISO can ensure your healthcare data is protected in compliance with specific industry standards like HIPAA and NEN 7510.

Our virtual CISO works collaboratively with your team, offering high-level guidance and augmenting your existing security capabilities.

A vCISO provides ongoing strategic leadership, while a security consultant typically offers expertise on specific projects or challenges.

A virtual CISO stays abreast of regulatory changes and ensures your security practices meet all compliance requirements.

A virtual  CISO leads the development of a security culture by establishing policies, conducting training, and promoting security best practices throughout the organization.

Our vCISO ensures your security strategies align with ABDO 2019 standards, offering guidance as a security advisor to navigate this regulatory landscape.

Our vCISO service is highly flexible, offering customization in terms of the services provided, engagement duration, and level of involvement based on your business size, industry, and specific challenges.

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