
Data Retention Policy Template


  • ISO 27001
  • Word Format
  • Saves Time
  • Reduces costs
  • Risk Management
  • Audit Preparation
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ISO 27001 Data Retention Policy Template

Mature your organization’s data governance with our Data Retention Policy Template, designed to facilitate adherence to the standards set by ISO 27001. This template is made for companies seeking a thorough and efficient strategy for data retention.

Why Choose Our Data Retention Policy Template?

Drafting a data retention policy from scratch can be daunting and time-consuming. Our template offers a ready-to-use, customizable framework that simplifies the creation of an ISO 27001 compliant data retention policy. It provides clear guidelines and industry-best practices to help you manage and secure your critical data effectively.

Key Features:

  • ISO 27001 Compliance: Integrates the essentials of the ISO 27001 data retention policy, ensuring your policy aligns with security standards.
  • Customizable: In Word format so you can customize content to reflect the specific needs of your organizational and regulatory environment.
  • Guidelines: Instructions on categorizing data, defining retention periods, and securely deleting data as per ISO standards.
  • Role-Based Responsibilities: Assigns clear data governance roles, facilitating accountability and execution.
  • Audit-Ready Framework: Prepares your organization for audits with procedures that are in line with ISO 27001 requirements for data retention.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with international standards and helps avoid penalties associated with non-compliance.
  • Data Security: Implements structured data deletion and retention practices that protect sensitive information from risks.
  • Cost and Space Efficiency: Reduces storage costs by retaining only necessary data for the required duration.
  • Risk Reduction: Limits the risks of data breaches and legal repercussions by maintaining a compliant and efficient data retention system.

Ideal For:

  • Any business required to comply with ISO 27001, especially in sectors like finance, healthcare, education, and technology.
  • Data Protection Officers, IT Security Managers, and Compliance teams seeking a reliable ISO 27001 data retention policy template.
  • Organizations aiming to standardize their data retention practices to enhance data life cycle management.

Upgrade Your Data Management

Implement our Data Retention Policy Template today to secure, manage, and optimize your data life cycle in compliance with ISO 27001. Set up a foundation for data handling that supports your business’s integrity and compliance goals.

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