ISO 27001:2022 Clause 9.3

In short: ISO 27001 2022 Clause 9.3 Management review

Clause 9.3 of ISO 27001 focuses on the ongoing responsibility of top management to review the effectiveness and relevance of your organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). This clause ensures that senior leadership remains actively engaged in information security, addresses emerging issues promptly, and drives continual improvement efforts.

Iso 27001 2022 Clause 9.3

Objective of Clause 9.3

The objective of Clause 9.3 is to formalize how your organization’s top management monitors the ISMS, evaluates its current performance, and identifies opportunities for improvement. These reviews allow leadership to:

  • Validate that the ISMS is effectively mitigating risks and meeting information security objectives.
  • Adjust strategies, resources, and controls to maintain compliance with applicable requirements and stakeholder expectations.
  • Promote a culture of continual improvement within the organization’s information security practices.

Purpose of Clause 9.3

The purpose of Clause 9.3 is to maintain a consistent, high-level focus on information security by requiring management to:

  1. Assess Suitability: Confirm that the ISMS aligns with changes in business operations, emerging threats, and regulatory shifts.
  2. Evaluate Adequacy: Review whether the existing policies, procedures, and resources adequately protect critical information assets.
  3. Review Effectiveness: Measure how effectively the ISMS meets established objectives, mitigates identified risks, and addresses stakeholder expectations.

Management Review Inputs

Clause 9.3.2 details several essential inputs that top management should examine during each review. Incorporating these elements allows you to maintain a complete, data-driven perspective on your ISMS and its performance.

Status of Previous Actions

Review any outstanding actions or recommendations from previous management reviews, internal audits, or external audits. Confirm whether these actions were completed effectively and whether any open issues need further resolution. This step helps prevent recurring problems and ensures continuous progress.

Changes in External and Internal Issues

Consider economic, regulatory, technological, or operational changes that could impact your ISMS. For example, new privacy regulations or an updated organizational structure might require adjustments to current security controls. Identifying these changes early helps maintain alignment with the evolving business and risk environments.

Changes in Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties

Assess updated requirements from customers, partners, suppliers, or regulatory bodies. This might include new contractual obligations, industry standards, or privacy mandates. By closely monitoring stakeholder needs, your organization can adapt its ISMS to prevent gaps in compliance or service delivery.

Feedback on Information Security Performance

Analyze data and metrics from various sources to gauge ISMS performance. Key areas typically include:

  • Nonconformities and Corrective Actions: Track recurring nonconformities to identify weaknesses in procedures or controls.
  • Monitoring and Measurement Results: Evaluate logs, intrusion detection system alerts, and other performance indicators.
  • Audit Results: Review findings from internal audits and relevant external audits for potential improvements.
  • Fulfillment of Information Security Objectives: Compare established objectives with actual performance metrics.

This step ensures decisions about changes or improvements are based on measurable results.

Feedback from Interested Parties

Collect feedback from stakeholders to understand their perspective on the effectiveness of your ISMS. This may include end users, clients, or regulatory authorities. Encouraging open communication fosters trust and ensures issues are addressed promptly.

Results of Risk Assessment and Status of Risk Treatment Plans

Review the latest risk assessment outcomes to confirm your organization is aware of critical threats and vulnerabilities. Check whether risk treatment plans are effectively implemented, tracked, and updated. This helps your organization maintain a proactive stance in addressing information security risks.

Opportunities for Continual Improvement

Identify ways to refine processes, enhance controls, or introduce new technologies. Management reviews provide a platform to explore fresh ideas, streamline operations, and ensure the ISMS remains a competitive advantage for your organization.

Management Review Results

Clause 9.3.3 describes how the results of the management review should be documented and acted upon. The most significant outcomes include:

Decisions on Continual Improvement

Document any decisions made regarding new initiatives, projects, or enhancements related to the ISMS. Outline the resources needed and assign responsibilities and deadlines to ensure prompt execution.

Needs for Changes to the ISMS

Determine whether any modifications are required to your ISMS policies, objectives, or controls based on changing requirements, risks, or performance data. Changes might include updating procedures for incident management, adjusting risk treatment plans, or revising security roles and responsibilities.

Documented Evidence

Keep records or minutes of the management review meeting. These should summarize discussions, decisions, and action items. This documentation is not only a requirement under ISO 27001 but also provides a clear audit trail and proof of due diligence in overseeing information security.

Frequency and Responsibility

Determining how often management reviews occur depends on your organizational risks, regulatory demands, and the complexity of your ISMS. Many organizations schedule reviews quarterly or bi-annually, although smaller companies or those in less regulated industries might hold them less frequently.

Top management holds overall accountability for the process. Senior leadership must ensure reviews take place at the planned intervals and that the necessary resources, data, and attendees are available. An ISMS Manager or similar role often facilitates these reviews by compiling metrics, coordinating agendas, and tracking any outstanding action items.

Ensuring Continual Improvement

Management reviews intersect with several other ISO 27001 clauses and controls:

  • Clause 6.1 (Planning): Outputs from management reviews inform the risk treatment plan and resource planning.
  • Clause 8.1 (Operation): Any operational changes highlighted in the review might involve updates to day-to-day security procedures.
  • Clause 10.1 (Improvement): Improvements identified during the review are carried forward as part of your organization’s continuous improvement program.
  • Annex A Controls: Depending on your review findings, you may decide to modify or enhance Annex A controls related to access control, incident management, or encryption to address newly uncovered risks or compliance requirements.

Templates That May Assist

The following templates can assist in organizing review meetings, tracking decisions, and maintaining compliance with ISO 27001 requirements:

  • Management Review Agenda Template – Provides a structured format for planning the review meeting, ensuring all required inputs such as previous actions, performance metrics, and risk updates are covered.
  • Management Review Minutes Template – Helps document key discussions, decisions, and assigned actions, ensuring accountability and follow-up on necessary improvements.
  • Risk Assessment Template – Summarizes identified risks, their current status, and mitigation measures, allowing management to assess ongoing risk treatment efforts effectively.
  • Action Tracking Template – Records decisions and corrective actions from management reviews, ensuring follow-ups are completed on time and that improvements are properly implemented.


Regular management reviews are essential for maintaining an effective and resilient Information Security Management System (ISMS). Clause 9.3 ensures that top management stays engaged in monitoring the ISMS’s performance, identifying risks, and driving continual improvements.

A well-structured management review process helps identify weaknesses, address emerging threats, and ensure compliance with ISO 27001 requirements. It also reinforces accountability.